Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Questions Essays - Case Law, Law, , Term Papers

Questions: 1. Why was Gitlow v. New York important? How does it apply to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" The Gitlow v New York case was important because it persuaded the Supreme Court into thinking that the First Amendment should be applied to other levels of government, instead of just to the federal government. This meant public schools, as well, which explains how this case applies to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" After the Supreme Court gave way to this rule, they were forced to allow certain limits on that freedom, knowing that some people might take advantage of the right to free speech. These limits were set in order to protect the well-being of others and our community. Thus, because of this ruling, it can clearly be seen when schools should be able to limit students' online speech. It is obvious, from this case, that they should use the limits set by the Supreme Court, and no other ones of their own. That is how this case applies to the question of "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" 2.Why was Tinker v. Des Moines important?How does it apply to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" The case of Tinker v. Des Moines was important because it ended in the Supreme Court ruling that students, like from the case, have free speech rights that do not end at the schoolhouse door. However, the Court also ruled that if student conduct substantially disrupts classwork or involves the invasion of the rights of others, the First Amendment does not protect it. Thus, the Supreme Court painted a fine line between having free speech rights outside of school and abusing this right at school or elsewhere. Secondly, this case applies to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" because it places even more limits on how much schools can limit students' online speech, for the Supreme Court ruled that school cannot only be the place for free speech, but should be accepted anywhere else, as well. Although, at the same time it also gave the school officials some advantages for the Supreme Court ruling also stated that if a student abuses his/her right, by behaving in a certain way that may disrupt classwork, then the First Amendment does not protect him/her. Therefore, the school can punish the student, which in the eyes of the Supreme Court would be fair. That is how this case applies to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" 3. Why was the case of Morse v. Frederick important?How does it apply to the question, "When should schools be able to limit students' online speech?" The case of Morse v. Frederick was important because during this case, the Supreme Court decided that schools could punish speech at school events, even off school grounds. Basically, a student could say something very insulting at a graduation ceremony in some venue rented by the school, and still be punished. This case applies to the question stated above, because only through this case, were school officials able to gain some power and support in limiting students' online speech. Of course, it was discussed above that schools should obviously be able to limit students' speech at school, if it was to be very insulting or disruptive, but this case put a wider view on this issue, allowing school officials to punish students' off-campus. Therefore, it applies to the question state above because this case enabled school officials to punish students for the supposed "abuse" of their speech, even off school grounds, which in some ways applies to online speech, as well. 4. Why are school officials concerned about students' online speech, even when it occurs outside of school hours and off school property? School officials are concerned about students' online speech, even when it occurs outside of school hours and off school property because it can spread quickly through many databases, easily spill over into schools and can hurt young people or students. Therefore, online speech is very effective and easy to find out about. Online

Sunday, November 24, 2019

application essay essays

application essay essays Life is an adventure. When I was four years old I heard Yo-Yo Ma in Shanghai and immediately knew that was what I wanted to do with my life. I began private lessons and then enrolled in the Shanghai Conservatory where I completed my schooling. Then, to fulfil my dream of being a fine cellist, I moved to Calgary, Canada and spent the next year studying English and cello at Mount Royal College. Since 2000, I have been attending North Park University in Chicago, under full scholarship, and have been studying cello with Professor Hans Jensen at Northwestern University. I am now a senior at North Park University and so am considering how best to pursue advanced musical studies as my dream is still to become a professional musician. I have been searching for an institution that would help make that dream a reality. Juilliard is, of course, a wonderful music school and attracts a very high calibre of students and instructors. I believe it would be a great experience to have the opportunity of being able to work with them. I just performed a student recital at North Park University with Midori and she strongly suggested that I should seek out opportunities to work with highly skilled musicians. As well, I am obviously attracted to the extraordinary depth and range of cultural institutions in New York City, including the New York Philharmonic, the world-renowned musicians who perform at Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall, and both the Metropolitan Opera and New York City Opera Companies. I am sure that being exposed to all this would add depth and understanding to my development as a musician. Access to these and associated musical opportunities is of great value to any serious student of music. My studies under Prof. Jensen have helped a great deal with my musical development but I believe that I am at the stage where I can greatly benefit from a focused, conservatory-like music school. Also, I believe I would be particularly comfort...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Effect of Culture in the International Collaboration Essay

The Effect of Culture in the International Collaboration - Essay Example According to the research findings, there are different types of collaborations used by organizations around the world. The choice of the type of collaboration that organizations choose, as put by Shaughnessy, depends on the various factors such as the nature of the project they want to undertake, the objectives of the parties, the risks involved and the scale of operations. There are five main types of collaborations used by organizations in the modern world, informal agreements, strategic alliances, strategic partnerships, joint ventures as well as revenue and risk sharing partnerships. These are informal agreements characterized by the employment of little legal structures. They mostly involve verbal agreements between the boards of management of the two parties and usually, involve short-term agreements in projects that will last for a short period. Here, the number of risks faced by the members is reasonably low and thus, the establishment of the agreements base on mutual trust between the parties involved. However, in some conditions, very long lasting collaborations and joint business operations can operate in this manner. This type of collaboration involves organizations that lack any substantial degree of ownership and work jointly to gain mutual benefit in a strategically important relationship. Being mere relationships rather than specific inter-organizational structures, strategic alliances lack a well-defined legal form. The alliances align suitably, to the goals and objectives of the organizations involved. In strategic alliances, the partners preserve their autonomy but there is an existence of mutual dependency that aims at pooling their resources together and assist each other in dealing with the challenges posed by the market.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Contract Law Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Contract Law Questions - Essay Example Moreover, the purpose of equitable estoppel is to prevent an unconscionable exercise of rights by one party to bring about significant detriment to another party2. Therefore, for example, if a third party such as a consumer has suffered significant detriment as a result of the reliance on a promise made by a manufacturer, relief may be accorded by the Court on grounds of equity and prevention of unconscionable transactions. Equity will determine relief rather than formal contractual provisions and this position has taken precedence in several cases - equity has been acknowledged as a right that will provide relief for a party who has been wrong by the unconscionable exercise of a legal contractual party.3 This could be the basis that can be successfully used to circumvent the doctrine of privity in contract. There are certain separate contractual requirements that have been laid out for minors because the law classes them in the group of people who are mentally incapacitated and therefore incapable of entering into a binding contract with anyone. A minor may enter into contracts only for necessities such as food, clothing and other supplies, which do not include luxury supplies4. In the case of such items as well, a minor is not obligated to pay the full contractual price but may pay a lower price, which is reasonable.5 Therefore, applying this to Toby’s case, the catering of food items for a party cannot be strictly categorized under necessities and since Toby, as a minor, is considered by law to be mentally incapable of entering into a contract or of understanding the legal ramifications that accrue form contractual obligations, his claim that he does not have to pay is likely to hold good under the law.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you Research Paper

What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you - Research Paper Example What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you? The question chosen is following: â€Å"What are the chief problems your sickness has caused for you?† The subject was a 55 – year – old, homeless Hispanic man with no knowledge of English language. At the time of the interview, the subject was living underneath the overpass of the Florida Turnpike and Kendall Drive. The subject agreed to an anonymous interview. As a result, the subject visited the West Kendall Hospital a few days ago, where he was given an intravenous therapy and a medication prescription. The subject’s illness has eliminated his ability to work every day. Due to his irregular and small income, the subject could not afford the medication. Moreover, the subject drinks on a daily basis. The subject relies on God for healing, and has decided not to get another prescription.    The subject’s response to modern medicine is similar to the one of the Lee family. The subject refused to return to the hospital because of religious beliefs and lack of money for prescription arising from his sickness. Lia’s parents refused to treat her because of their cultural beliefs. However, the medical community too failed as unprejudiced healers, who did not provide a Hmong cultural mediator, and failed to remove themselves from moral hegemony. Effects of culture on our daily lives have been of concern to anthropologists for decades. According to Geertz, culture is â€Å"a set of control mechanisms –plans, recipes, rules †¦ for the governing of behavior†.... t the Merced Community Medical Center (MCMC): I don’t think the mom and dad ever truly understood the connection between a seizure and what it did to the brain †¦ My general impression was that they really felt we were all an intrusion and that if they could just do what they thought best for their child, that child would be fine. (Fadiman, 1997, p. 48) As can be seen from the above statement, Fadiman presented the medical case of Lia alongside cultural relativism. In her book, Fadiman treats cultural relativism from an epistemiological viewpoint. According to Barnard (2000), cultural relativists argue that â€Å"culture regulates the way human beings perceive the world† (p. 99).  Moreover, epistemological relativism dictates that generalizable cultural patterns do not exist (Barnard, 2000, p. 100).  Dan Murphy, a resident at MCMC, stated the latter fact eloquently: And the other thing that was different between them and me was that they seemed to accept things that to me were major catastrophes as part of the normal flow of life. For them, the crisis was the treatment, not the epilepsy. (Fadiman, 1997, p. 53). Similarly, the subject was not assisted properly at the hospital. His religious beliefs were not addressed. Instead, the prescription was handed to him with no regard for what he would do next, regardless of his financial status. Secondly, the subject was not aware of the name of his illness, meaning that nobody provided a mediator to explain his condition to him in words he would understand. Thirdly, just as in case of the Lee family, it can be assumed doctors felt morally superior to the patient, who drinks on a daily basis. Thus, Fadiman’s insight into what to do to as cultural mediators when seeking to bridge differences is the key aspect when

Friday, November 15, 2019

Benefits of Flexitime in the Public Sector

Benefits of Flexitime in the Public Sector Flexible working time is a new style of work condition which has its root from the German word Gleitzeit which means sliding time. It may be defined as a variable work schedule which allows persons to fulfill their obligations outside a rigid framework of time. Flexitime allows an employee to choose the time when he will start work and when he will finish but with a core time when everybody must be present which is normally a period of four to six hours in the middle of the traditional work schedule(Rubin,1979). Flexitime has been basically categorized into three types namely, gliding or variable time where the employees can change their arrival and departure time whenever they want as long as they are present for a core period of time. Flextour also allows workers to change their arrival or departure time but they must specify in advance when they will arrive and depart for a period of one or two weeks. Here also there is a core period to cover. A third type of flexitime is a completely flexible one where there is no core period. Employees can come and depart as long as a cover a set number of hours per week or per month(Estes,1990). A basic model of flexitime may be summarized as below: A bandwidth which is the earliest time at which employees start work up to the latest finishing time (e.g. 6.00 am to 6.30 p.m). A core time within which all employees are present at work (e.g. 10.00 to 12.00 a.m and 2.00 to 4.00 p.m). In fact it is management who usually set the core time whereas the flexible time is decided by the employee based upon mutual consent (Nadler et al,2010). A flexible band of hours during which the employees might vary the time of starting work in the morning and/or the time of quitting work in the afternoon . Banking, which permits the employees to accumulate excess or shortage of hours worked. The introduction of flexitime in the Public Sector has been a subject of big debate since a very long time. Various studies have been done on this subject in many countries. Nowadays, many organizations are in a state of change and given the rapid development in the business environment worldwide, the need for managing employees effectively was never as significant as it is today. Moreover, increased globalization, technological evolution, new laws and regulations, changing economic and social environment are all pressing organizations to be more competitive and finding better ways of collaborating and ensuring a harmonious relation between management and employees. Trust has to be built in corporate governance, in business strategies and in the future success of work and also in the skills, abilities and desires of the workforce. The aim of this paper is to debate on the whole concept of flexitime, also defined in some papers as flexible work arrangements. The objectives of the research are summarized as follows: Why the need for flexitime To show the impact of flexitime in the life of civil servants To show whether flexitime reduces stress and increases job satisfaction and staff morale To show if it gives rise to more efficient work practices by improving productivity and performance Seek to analyse whether flexitime helps workers to reconcile work with family responsibilities Whether flexitime helps in reducing lateness and absenteeism Whether flextime contributes in reducing the need for overtime To demonstrate whether flexitime enhances motivation of employees at their workplace Try to analyse the concept from both a management and employee point of view Seek to analyse its advantages and disadvantages both to management and to employees The information has been extracted both from the private and public sectors. Background and overview Different studies have been carried out in many countries on the concept of flexitime and each one has come up with its own conclusions. During the 1960s there was a labour shortage in Germany. ChristelKraemerer then came up with the concept of flexitime to encourage housewives and mothers to join the labour market to address this particular problem. Thus the strict rule of standard work schedule no longer exists where more than 75% of the workforce are for flexible working schedule( Kattenbach et al., 2010). By 1972 the United States had started flexitime on a pilot basis(Rubin,1979). In 2003 the UK government passed a legislation giving the right to employees having children under six or having disabled children under eighteen, to request a flexible work arrangement and by April 2007 the law included this facility to carers of adults( William R. Estes had come up with a meta-analysis of the effects of flexitime over a large number of circumsta nces. He made use of results of previous research articles to demonstrate the effects of flexitime on absenteeism, productivity, overtime costs, leisure/family time, job satisfaction, role conflict, turnover, transport problems, and the desire to continue the use of flexitime. The meta analysis concluded that it was easier to implement flexitime in small organizations than in bigger ones. This is mainly due to the complexity of larger organizations and to the number of employees compared to smaller organizations. It also showed that flexitime increases job satisfaction, reduces absenteeism and abuses on leaves entitlement, improved employee behavior. But, on the other hand it did not have big effect on productivity. Flexitime is also perceived as being a modern tool for managing resources more effectively, efficiently and economically(Khamkaya and Sloan,2009). In todays competitive world people is seen to be one of the key resources which can bring success to an organization(wickramasinghe and Jayabandhu, 2007). In this context, the effective management of human resources is an important feature in the adoption of flexitime in an organization.A study on the implementation of flexitime in the Scottish Local Authorities showed reluctance on the part of employees due to cultural change, inadequate support from the current organizational policy. Changing a long lasting culture in an organization is perhaps one of the most difficult task an organization and management can face. Although there are many benefits pertaining to the adoption of flextime, the success obtained in one organization does not guarantee that it will work in other organisations also. Management, employers perception, employees pe rception, the working environment will play a big role and will vary from one organization to the other. Flexitime was introduced in an IT sector in Sri Lanka which put more emphasis on people management. Effective human resource management contribute highly to the realization of capital growth and technological expansion. Some studies have shown that female workers are more in favour of flexitime as it helps them to coordinate more effectively their work and their private life commitments. When both parents are working in a family there is a greater need for flexitime as it enables them to properly handle their family responsibilities and any other commitments they may have for example, the pursuance of higher studies. Employees were all in favour of flexitime and would like to have it in all workplaces. Employers were able to have the trust of employees, their full commitment and increase their potential. Welch and Gordon(1980) had found that flexibility encouraged employees to remain with the same employer for longer. However, the sri Lankan study revealed that this was not necessari ly the case. It must be emphasized that the Sri Lankan study is more recent and was conducted twenty seven years later where many changes have occurred in the working environment and conditions. Similarly concerning the gender issue other studies suggested that female workers were more in favour of flexitime, the findings in the Sri Lankan context revealed that there were no significant differences between males and females perceptions. Management systems are modernizing and there is a need to develop strategies like flexitime in a globally competitive environment(Wickramasinghe, Jayabandu (2007)). Flexitime has also been implemented throughout the Queensland public sector since 1996. But this study revealed that flexitime created much frustrations among employees. This was mainly due to the arising of long working hours and inadequate time off. Employees were allowed to bank their excess hours worked up to a maximum of thirty hours. Some employees accumulated up to 800 excess hours and could not take it as there was a significant lack of staff. But there were other areas in the same organization where staff were able to take timeoff due to to the conscious decisions of managers. Also flexitime caused a decrease in socialization in the workplace as colleagues could not meet their friends as each had his own time of coming and going and taking breaks. There was also lack of proper regulations to monitor the system. The study showed the importance of regulation and good management of the system to increase employee welfare. Although there are great benefits from flexitime it can also have detrimental effects if it is not properly managed( A study on flexitime in the National Health Services (NHS) in UK showed that it brought much happiness to employees. It was studied as an aspect of Improving Working Lives (IWL) standard in an NHS Acute Trust. Over a third of the employees considered the implementation of flexitime as a give and take approach. They felt that they have to and they wanted to perform better in return of the advantages they got from the flexible arrangements. They perceived much happiness as they felt that they were well treated and valued and that there was a reduction of stress in their daily lives. However the study had a limited conception. It laid emphasis on only one aspect, that is IWL (Atkinson and Hall, 2011). Sanchez et al.,(2007) have said Flexibility is a source of competitive advantage. Enhancing flexibility may be costly in the short run, but it gets easier over time. Firms become more flexible because their managers emphasise the importance of flexibility and because they practice being fl exible. A self-reinforcing process then begins. The Implementation of Flexitime in the Mauritian public sector The introduction of flexitime in the Mauritian Civil Service has been advocated since 1993 by the Pay Research Bureau so as to solve the problems of late arrivals in office due to traffic congestion and other family problems. In its report of 2003 the PRB has recommended that subject to the approval of the Ministry of Civil Service Affairs and Administrative Reforms and after consultation with the staff side, Ministries/Departments/Organisations should expedite the introduction of flexitime where demand exist and resources permit. Flexitime would normally not be applicable to certain categories of officers due to the nature of their duties, for example: Officers operating on a shift system, roster basis and staggered hours Officers in the manual grades Officers in the disciplined force Officers in the education sector A survey had also been undertaken in this context. The conclusions were that organisations which had adopted flexitime had been effective in combating excessive/regular tardiness. The absence of a computerised system of attendance and additional resources required were one of the major hindrances for its application in other sectors. Lack of supervision was also an issue. Those working in teams also dont find it suitable to their needs and it was also difficult to evaluate work performed after normal working hours in terms of productivity. Some Chief Executives have made some favourable observations. They say that flexitime can increase productivity, improve performance and reduce overtime costs if used judiciously and effectively. It can also increase efficiency and improve quality of life of employees. It can also combat lateness and prevent abuse of leave by officers and is a good management tool (PRB Report 2008). The report has further laid emphasis on the responsibility of management and employees in the public sector. Management Responsibilities The PRB has spelt out the responsibilities of management on the application of flexitime as follows: (a) introduction of irregular workweek whereby employees have early arrival times and late departure times; (b) ensuring that there is adequate office coverage during official hours and that customer service and work requirements are not adversely affected by employee participation in alternative work schedules; (c) ensuring that employee participation in alternative work schedules is equitable and consistent across work units within the organization; (d)complying with all procedural requirements on certification of time and attendance and work schedules (e) communicating and seeking mutual agreement with the employees on work schedules (f) planning office workflow to ensure that there is productive work for employees to perform (g) suspending an employees alternative work schedule when workload requirements, temporary duty, or training preclude participation (h) informing employees as soon as practicable of any modifications in work schedule (i) making a concerted effort to schedule office meetings during core hours; and (j) to ensure monitoring and supervision in establishing work hours, prohibit abuses and take corrective measures if abuses occur. Employees Responsibilities The responsibilities of the employees on the introduction of flexitime as pointed out in the PRB Report 2003 are as follows: (a)complying with all procedural requirement regarding certification of time and attendance and work schedules to which they are assigned; (b)communicating and seeking mutual agreement with the supervisor on work schedules; and maintaining records of daily time and attendance in accordance with office procedures. Advantages of Flexitime There are many advantages resulting from the introduction of flexitime. And it is beneficial to employees, employers and management. The advantages of flexitime from a point of view of management: Improvement in productivity With the implementation of flexitime it is felt that absenteeism and turnover are reduced, and job satisfaction is improved in an organisation. Flexitime is also associated with increased productivity and morale and reduced absenteeism. Overtime The need for overtime is not felt as employees can manage busy and slack periods. Management can also do a saving on item of overtime. Moreover, completion of lengthy work assignments can be completed without resorting to overtime . Efficiency Flexitime can help employees to combine their work and personal responsibilities, and can help workflow to be managed more efficiently. (a) domestic matters can be dealt with in employees own time (b) details of employees time keeping is readily available ( c) the existence of a scheme can act as a positive tool in recruitment The advantages of flexitime from employee perspective: Reduces stress and fatigue It relieves officers of their stress and help them to better manage the balance between work commitments, family responsibilities and lifestyle choices to the advantages of the services. It helps employees to better cope with both the work and the household and child care responsibilities. It also makes travelling easier out of peak hours. Greater staff morale and job satisfaction Flexitime promotes happiness Employees perceive that flexible work schedule brings them joy (Atkinson and Hall,2010). They are also able to vary working time thus enjoying time-autonomy which positively influence performance. This autonomy acts as motivator to job satisfaction. There is also a team spirit and morale is high. Reduces delayed arrival caused by traffic congestion Flexitime allows you to schedule your travel and time to avoid congestion More in control of their workloads and manage a better balance between personal life and work Allows bank time ( accrued flex balance hours) to be used for leisure/ personal activities. Increased opportunity to fit other commitments and activities in with work, and make better use of their free time. Personal matters therefore can be sorted without having to take time off. Todays workforce increasingly consists of women and workers in alternative family structures such as single headed and dual earner families. Faced with more pressing demands from both the workplace and home these employees often divide time between these two competing interest. Among those likely to benefit to greater workplace flexibility are prime working age women, women household heads, and employees in two earner families. Advantages from Employer Perspective Flexitime takes away the easy audit of who is punctual and who is not. It makes the employee accountable for his own timekeeping and makes rigid timekeeping by the supervisor unimportant. It shifts focus of management from monitoring of attendances to productivity of the employee. It leads to joint accountability of workers and management . Absenteeism is reduced and in many cases the need for overtime is not felt. Retention of employees who seek flexible work arrangement (Nadler et al, 2010) Workers feel more responsible to the organisation and an atmosphere of partnership between employer and employee develops. Although flexitime is the most popular way of varying daily hours it has its limitations, and is not suitable for all job roles and workplaces, and other flexible options may provide better solutions. Flexitime works best, as with all alternative working patterns, as part of a package of options available to help employees balance their work and personal lives and the organisation meet its business objectives. However, this system has brought some difficulties in the work practice. The main disadvantages resulting from flexitime are: Perceived loss of management control Extra hours of supervision may be required There is potential for abuse of the flexible work periods Greater co-ordination of working arrangements is required to maintain cover Cover is lessened due to additional time off under flexi leave Staff who cannot be afforded flexible working hours experience resentment Cost of implementing control systems/equipment Additional work for personnel/supervisory staff e.g. inputting time credits for leave and adjustments, recording of flexi leave To what extent the introduction of flexitime can be successful in reality for Mauritius is still a question of big debate. Proper planning is very important. Although the Pay Research Bureau has recommended its implementation but what has been done and what is being done is still under consideration. From the literature review it is seen that all researches which have been conducted in this field there are varying views from different authors. Some have brought forward many advantages and others have noticed many drawbacks. Some employees have derived much satisfaction while others have experienced much frustration especially due to the long hours culture which has developed. Likewise some employers have seen major improvements in the quality of work while others are still sceptical as to the success of this strategy. Some are also fearful that it would lead to anarchy in production and that the costs of implementation would exceed the benefits. Through this paper we will try to anal yse a general perception of flexitime in the Mauritian public sector and will it be really successful in our context taking into consideration all the constraints.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Killings vs. in the Bedroom Essay

Killings vs. In the Bedroom I really enjoyed the short story â€Å"Killings† written by Andre Dubus. I felt the story was very dark and depressing but what intrigued me most about the story was how close to real life it was. Todd Field’s interpretation â€Å"In the Bedroom† was an excellent rendition of the short story. He captured the story very well and really brought it to life on the big screen. The short story really portrays the society we live in. You hear every day about domestic violence that results in someone getting hurt or killed. The story tells about a young man involved with a woman separated from her jealous husband that results in the young man’s death. The parents of the young man play a big role in the story as well. Killings starts off with the young man Frank Fowler already killed and goes directly into the aftermath of his death. In the Bedroom begins with the relationship of Frank and Natalie while they were dating. I think the way the movie began was better because it lets you see more into the relationship of Frank and Natalie. The movie allows you to get attached to the characters which I feel caused more of an impact when Frank was killed by Natalie’s husband Richard. The movie also shows more detail of why Frank’s parents were against his relationship with Natalie. Marrero 2 The short story gives more back ground into the type of person Richard Strout was. It explains more of his upbringing. The movie mainly portrays him as the angry jealous husband but not much of his background was explained except that he came from a wealthy family that owns a local company. Both versions do show him as a jealous cold hearted individual that shows no remorse for what he had done to Frank. The part of the short story where Frank comes home after having his first confrontation with Richard was a bit different from the movie. The part when Frank comes home and he’s all bruised up was the same except in the short story Matt tells Frank to â€Å"press charges†(50). He also says to Frank â€Å"What’s to stop him from doing it again? †(50). In the movie, Ruth Fowler is the one who says this to Frank and Matt. She is upset that Frank and his father are so laid back about the whole incident. I think this scene was key as to why Ruth had so much animosity towards Matt after Frank died. One of the qualities of the film that I thought was very clever was how Director Todd Field chose to not use any background music. The majority of movies use music to help bring out what the scene is about but this movie didn’t do that and it worked. It was almost like watching a reality show. It concentrated on the characters and the story line to keep viewers glued to the screen. You knew that something would eventually happen but you had no idea when and how. There was no soft or powerful music in any of the scenes to give you an idea of what was going to happen. It was excellent filming with no special effects or music. Many scenes showing Matt Fowler and his wife’s marriage falling apart were silent and the absence of background music made those scenes powerful. I think it helped to keep the audience in touch with the pain that the parents were experiencing from the death of their son. Marrero 3 The cinematography of the film was also very instrumental on the overall feeling of the movie. There wasn’t much color in the film, almost as if it was a cloudy day in every scene. The way the people dressed and even how the homes looked were very drab and bland. I think this helped to demonstrate the sadness that the parents and Natalie felt after Frank was killed. Kind of the same effect background music would have on a film. If you want the audience to feel sadness while watching a particular scene there would be sad music in the background. The entire story was sad and the cinematography helped convey that in the film. Another difference between the movie and the film was the part when Frank was shot by Richard Strout. In the short story Frank was already at Mary Ann’s house watching television with the boys in the living room while she was in the kitchen. Richard walked through the front door and shot Frank several times in front of the boys (53). In the movie, Frank was shot in the living room after coming to see if Natalie and the boys were ok after a confrontation she just had with Richard. Natalie and the boys were upstairs while Frank went downstairs to keep Richard out of the house. Richard found a way in and shot Frank several times. This was such a graphic scene, just the same as the short story. The way the film portrayed this scene worked very well. It really caused drama and suspense in the film. It was a scary moment that was very disturbing to watch. Near the end of the short story and the film was when Matt held Richard at gun point. Matt decides to take matters into his own hands because the courts failed to convict Richard. It was also causing Matt’s wife emotional stress seeing Richard in town on several occasions. This was a great part to both the story and the film because it left the reader and the viewer wondering what was going to happen next. You weren’t sure whether Matt would kill Richard or let him go. Marrero 4 It was an intense moment in both the film and short story when Richard was driving while Matt steadily held the gun to Richard’s head, telling him to â€Å"Drive slowly,† Don’t try to get stopped† (55). You could feel the suspense as to what might happen next. Richard was clearly scared but all the while held true to his belief that he was justified for what he did to Frank. Just the fact that he told Matt â€Å"He was making it with my wife† (56) while Matt is pointing a gun at him shows he had no remorse for his actions. Matt continued to mentally manipulate Richard into thinking he would be set free to live his life on the run. Every time Richard would ask Matt what he was doing, Matt would not give him an answer. He tells Richard to pack his suitcase once they reached his home and then went back into the vehicle to drive some more. Matt had Richard drive to Matt’s best friend’s property. This is where he killed Richard. In the film Matt had Richard get out of the car and shot him on impulse. In the short story Matt told Richard to walk with his suitcase for which Richard dropped it and started to run. That is when Matt shot him several times. In both the film and the movie, Richard was buried on Matt’s best friend’s property. Both the short story and the film had you glued in suspense. The short story went into more detail as to what Matt was psychologically going through after killing Richard. During Matt’s drive home the author described how Matt was feeling about what he had just done. Matt was reliving the moment in his mind when he shot Richard, feeling as if someone else did it and not him. Matt’s best friend in both the movie and the short story was very instrumental on helping him carry out his revenge against Richard. The two of them shared a strong bond of friendship and brotherhood being they both served in the military together. They both trusted each other unconditionally knowing that this was something they both would keep a secret until the end. Their military background which was not outwardly mentioned in the story but was an important Marrero 5 factor allowing them to carry out Richard’s murder. In Matt’s mind he felt he had no other choice then to kill Richard and he was fine with his decision. The end of the story was when Matt gets home and see’s his wife waiting for him. In the short story she said to him â€Å"Did you do it? † (63). He tells her everything that took place and is very emotional about it, feeling sympathy for Richard’s girl friend and thinking of Frank and Mary Ann (Natalie in the film). In the film, Matt walks into the house and changes his clothes before going to the room where his wife is waiting. They don’t really speak of what happened. It is understood that Ruth knew what he did without even asking. For the first time since Frank’s death Ruth shows Matt affection by offering to make him breakfast. The film ends with Matt lying in bed alone with a look of sadness on his face. Overall I felt Killings was excellent, fitting so much into a short story. The film was done extremely well illustrating the story but also added just enough to make it even more intriguing. Both the movie and the short story left you feeling a bit empty inside, as if you experienced the sorrow and pain that the parents were going through. There really wasn’t a happy ending in either version just an understanding of the pain that is caused by losing a child.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Grand Theory Written Assignment Essay

A grand theory is a systematic construction for the nature of nursing that has a clear mission and goals for nursing care. There are four categories of schools of thought within the realm of grand theories to include needs theories, interaction theories, outcome theories, and lastly caring/becoming theories. In the following tables I have highlighted a theorist from each school of thought and briefly discussed their educational background, my perception of their definition and philosophy of nursing, and the goal/purpose of their theory. Needs theorist Faye Abdellah Educational Background Faye Abdellah received her nursing education at Fitkin Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, Nepture, N.J. and graduated in 1942. She then went on to study chemistry at Rutgers University prior to receiving her Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Education degrees from the Teacher’s College of Columbia University, N.Y. Retrieved from Philosophy of nursing According to Meleis, her philosophy of nursing includes the use of problem solving approach to deal with 21 distinct problems related to needs of patients. She described a problem as a condition faced by the patient for which a nurse can assist, overtly and covertly. This is done by preventative care (to include hygiene, safety, exercise, rest, sleep, and body mechanics), sustenal care (psychological), remedial care (oxygen, fluid, nutrition, and elimination), and finally restorative care (coping with the illness and life adjustment). Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 162-164. Definition of nursing â€Å"Nursing is based on an art and science that moulds the attitudes, intellectual competencies, and technical skills of the individual nurse into the desire and ability to help people, sick or well, cope with their health  needs† as stated by Faye Abdellah in her Twenty-one Nursing Problems theory (1960). Goal/purpose of theory To help the individual or patient meet health needs and adjust to their health problems. Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 164. Interaction theorist Hildegard Peplau Educational Background Hildegard Peplau graduated from the diploma nursing program Pottstown, PA in 1931 and went on to be a staff nurse. Peplau then was recommended to work as a school nurse at Bennington College located in Vermont. While working there she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Psychology in 1943. From there she went on to earn her Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Teacher’s College of Columbia University. In addition she became certified in psychoanalysis thru the William Alanson White Institution of New York City. Retrieved from Philosophy of nursing Peplau’s philosophy of nursing focused on harnessing energy psychological disturbances such as anxiety and tension to define understanding with patients and deal with the problem at hand. She felt the goals of nursing included developing patients personalities to make illness an eventful experience. She felt nurses need to develop problem-solving skills via the interpersonal process (educational, therapeutic, and collaborative). Definition of nursing Peplau’s concept and view of nursing is that it is a therapeutic, interpersonal, goal oriented process that is a healing art. It involves recognizing and assisting the patient (individual who is ill or in need of health care) in achieving a common goal. This requires the nurse and patient to build a trusting relationship by way of orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution (the phases of growing an interpersonal relationship). Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 165-166. She identified the many roles that nurses must take in order to have a meaningful relationship with  patients and that nurses must understand the relationship to provide good care. Goal/purpose of theory The ultimate goal of Peplau’s theory was to understand the principles of interpersonal relationships between the nurse and patient in order to facilitate problem solving skills. This is to be done by using education and positive interactions. She went on to explain the seven nursing roles (stranger, resource, teacher, counselor, surrogate, and technical expert). These roles can be applied in different situations to provide the best care possible and goal attainment. Retrieved from Outcomes theorist Callista Roy Educational Background Sister Callista Roy graduated with her first degree; Bachelor of Arts in Nursing from Mount St. Mary’s College in California in 1963. Then in 1966, she went on to obtain her Master’s Degree in Pediatric Nursing from the University of California. In addition she earned a Master’s Degree in Sociology in 1973 and Doctoratal degree in Sociology in 1977. Retrieved from Philosophy of nursing From what I can see from Roy’s writing’s she believes that the focus of nursing to her is a focus on clients’ stimuli and the effect it has on them for adaptation. Adaption modes include physiologic, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. Goals of nursing include promoting these changes/adaption in the above mentioned areas by way of manipulating the stimuli (focal, residual, and contextual) by way of positive coping. ). Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 169-172. Definition of nursing Callista Roy is known to believe that nursing is a system of knowledge based on theory that views the client (sick or potentially sick) as a biopsychosocial being. Clients adapt to changes within their environment and as nurses we provide care through the nursing process to help promote  adaption to state of well-being. In order to do this we must ensure that the client have effective coping mechanisms and responses to avoid disruption in the integrity of the client. Goal/purpose of theory The goal and purpose of Roy’s theory is to promote client adaptation by nursing interventions such as facilitation of adaptive tasks via counseling, effective nurse-client communication, health education, active manipulation, support, and by identifying resources for the client. Roy states that by adapting that the patient is then freed for â€Å"him to respond to other stimuli which may be present† The Roy adaptation model: Comment (as sited by Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 494. Caring/Human Becoming theorist Rosemarie Parse Educational Background Rosemarie Parse initially was educated at Duquesne University of Pittsburgh. She then went on to get her MSN and Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh. Philosophy of nursing The goal of nursing to Parse appears to be co-creating meaning and finding way of being. This is done by not focusing on the illness or problem in itself, but by transforming in new ways deliberately through the human universe process. Nurses are to illuminate meaning, synchronize rhythms and mobilize transcendence by connecting and truly understanding and being present with patients. Decision making is done together with the patient and nurse. Meleis, A.I. (2012), p. 172-174. Definition of nursing Parse’s definition of nursing is that it is a human science and art that uses knowledge to help people. Nurses should not focus on fixing problems, but rather view the patient as a whole living experiences through their environment which help them evolve. She believes that nurses must help guide patients co-create their own health and deal with illness. Goal/purpose of theory The goal or purpose of Parse’s Human Becoming Theory of Nursing is to focus of the quality of life from each separate person’s perspective. It does not focus on bio-medical or bio-psycho-social-spiritual approaches as with most  theories, but instead views the patient as a person and combination of all aspects. Retrieved from I agree with all of the above listed schools of thought and have incorporated each in my own personal nursing care practice. Abdellah thoughts that nursing is centered on problem solving on the needs of patients in order to assist them in restoring health are near and dear to my heart. Depending on the field you work in this can include a multitude of cares. I personally work mainly in obstetrics and medical aesthetics. In the obstetric realm I provide care to help patients have a happy and healthy delivery of a child whereas in my medical spa my goal is help clients improve their aesthetic appearance, thus helping them feel more attractive and confident. Both have a goal, although widely different. This school of thought mostly is incorporated in my obstetric care as I assist patients to understand and incorporate preventative care, sustenal care, remedial care, and obviously restorative care as becoming a parent is a huge adjustment in life. Peplau brought out the importance of building a therapeutic interpersonal relationship with patients in order to facilitate their skills in coping with the problem at hand. Peplau’s interaction school of thought is also very congruent with my nursing philosophy as I feel it is of upmost importance to build a solid trusting interpersonal relationship with patients/clients no matter what area of nursing one is working in. Without doing so, the patient/client will not believe and trust what we are trying to accomplish with them. The event of birthing a child and learning how to care for them is a very personal process where the nurse-client relationship is of upmost importance. Also in aesthetics the client must feel comfortable with me as a nurse in order to trust me in helping them attain their goals. Roy’s theory is seeding in the outcomes school of thought which is also easy to incorporate into nursing care as adaption is required with all processes of life. As nurses we truly do help our clients adapt to their health  status and can assist them to become able to care for themselves independently. In obstetrics parents must adapt to having and caring for a newborn infant. The mother has been thru months of adaption to being pregnant, and now must instantly step into a new role that is often times scary and confusing! As a nurse I am responsible to ensure that they are prepared and adapting to this change prior to discharge. Lastly the caring/human becoming school of thought is probably the most utilized type of grand theory that I personally use. Parse points out that we should not focus on â€Å"fixing† the problem, but concentrate on the whole of the patient including experiences lived and how this has helped them evolve. Basically we must think of the patients’ quality of life, especially from the patients’ point of view. This can be applied in all fields of nursing as we strive to help patients have the quality of life that they want and deserve. In conclusion I’d like to think that as a nurse I practice from a variety of theories to incorporate the best, quality care possible for patients no matter what the purpose of treatment may be. I try to tailor my approaches taking into account their medical history, environment, and family. Nursing is ever changing and so is the patient population. We must as nurses continue to educate ourselves and evolve with time, never becoming stagnant. References Abdellah, F. G., Beland, I. I., Martin, A., & Matheney, R. V. (1960). Patient-centered approaches in nursing. New York: Macmillan. Meleis, A.I. (2012). Theoretical Nursing Development & Progress, Fifth Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Football Versus Footbal †English Contrast Essay

Football Versus Footbal – English Contrast Essay Free Online Research Papers Football Versus Footbal English Contrast Essay Since ancient times human beings have developed ways of training their bodies; firstly as a manner of being strong, then as a way of becoming integral developed human beings and fulfill the â€Å"healthy body, healthy mind† principle and finally as a way of having fun healthily, developing as an individual, being able to work as a team member and staying healthy as well. There are numerous sport disciplines, in which individuals can develop and strengthen their physical abilities such as athletics, swimming, gymnastics, basketball, tennis, etc; even though, there is specially one which evokes great passion worldwide called football. Nevertheless, this generic name is used to identify several quite different sport disciplines, but the most famous ones are football or soccer and American football. Both have the same objective, both mean a lot to their fans and in both their star players are well paid; though, they differ from one another in their essence, this means the way they are played and issues such as pitch measurements and match time, players` role and equipment, ball itself and penalties. As a similarity, the two sports have the same grounds and are big sources of entertainment. The object of both sports, like most other games of football, is to advance the ball towards the opponent`s end of the field and score more points than the opposite team in a period of time. Besides, the most exciting moment of the game is definitely scoring goals. This is what makes people to become fans and incorporate the sport into their lives; football fans do whatever they can in order to support their team(s) for instance: watching their team on TV or alive, buying shirts and caps, watching the sport section on TV or reading it in the newpapers. As a consequence of this fanaticism, famous and wealthy teams are constantly hiring famous players and paying them exorbitant wages. Both sports have very well known stars such as Ronaldo, Ronaldià ±o, Beckham and Zidane in football and Donovan McNab, Terrell Owens, and Payton Maning in American football; they earn millions of doll ars every season, besides most of them are paid by working on advertisements for famous sportwear such as Nike, Adidas, ect. In contrast, both games differ in style. These sports are played in different ways. Football is a ball game played with the feet, but players may use any part of their body except their hands and arms to propel the ball; the exceptions to this is the goalkeeper, who is the only player allowed to handle the ball in the field. On the contrary, American football is a ball game played with the arms, this means players may carry the ball, throw it or handle it from one teammate to the other and placekick it. Another difference lies in the pitch measurements. A football field must be rectangular and have two goal posts at each side, its length should be in the range of 90-120m. and the width between 45-90m. Near to the goalposts there is an area called â€Å"penalty area.† On the other hand, an American football pitch must be a rectangular of 110m. long by 49 m. wide; the field is crossed every 4.55m. by lines called â€Å" yard lines† and there are two goal posts outside de marked area. Moreover, the period of time involve in both sports is unlike. A football match consists of two periods, known as halves, of 45 minutes each; there is usually a 15-minute break between halves, known as half time; the end of the match is known as full-time. In some tournaments if a match is tied at the end, it is necessary to play extra time, this means two 15-minute periods. If the score is still tied after extra time, the use of penalty shootouts is allowed. Differently, it is the case of an American football game which consists of four quarters of 15-minute, with a halftime after the second quarter. If a game is tied after four quarters, the teams play another 15 minutes. The first team that scores wins; if neither team scores, the game is a tie. Another difference is established by the elements that are used in these sports. Even though, both sports need eleven players on the field; their equipment and roles are different.. In football, players are required to wear a shirt, shorts, socks or stockings, footwear and adequate shin guards. About their roles, there are four positions in which players are strategically placed by the coach: goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders and forwards; each one of the players generally plays in the same position; besides, the team is leaded by a Captain. Contrarily, in American football players protect themselves using three kinds of protection: head protection which includes the helmet, jaw pads, face mask, mouth piece And chin strap; body protection such as neck roll, shoulders pads, shock pads, rib pads, arm pads, elbow pads, lineman glovers and receiver glovers and finally leg protection as hip and tailbone pads, girdle, thigh and knee pads, football pants and football cleats. In relat ion to its players` role, a team is divided into three specialized separate units: the offensive team, the defensive team, and the special teams; which are all lead by a field marshal. In the same way, both sports are played with different types of balls. On one hand, football uses a sphere shape ball which is made up from synthetic leather and it has a diameter of 22 m approximately. There are various types of it for instance: proffesional balls, indoors balls, promotional balls, etc. and four different sizes and weights according to the players` age. On the other hand, American football uses a pointed oval shape ball which is made up of four pieces of leather stitched together. It is about 28 cm. long and about 18 cm. in diameter at its center. It could be made either of rubber or plastic. Lastly, in both sport referees have different ways of showing a misconduct or fault to the audience. In football referees show a caution (yellw card) or a sending off (red card) while in American football they thow a yellow handkerchief on the ground. In conclusion, it is easy to appreciate both sports have their own charm. On one side, football is an sport easy to play, it does not require to much equipment, it is mostly about ability and it does not need a special field or ball. On the other side, American football represents a discipline in which force is everything, a possibility of learning a new game system and an illusion of wearing a big equipment. However, it is also easy to figure out why football is and will always be the most popular team sport in the world, because of its simplicity, you only need a ball and the will to play. Research Papers on Football Versus Footbal - English Contrast EssayThe Hockey GameTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationHip-Hop is ArtRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductResearch Process Part OneThe Project Managment Office SystemWhere Wild and West MeetBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

15 Tactics To Boost Twitter Engagement Backed By Research

15 Tactics To Boost Twitter Engagement Backed By Research Imagine standing in a room full of people while presenting a speech. Now keep in mind, this is one of the best speeches you’ve ever given. It’s filled with creative ideas and useful information you know your audience will love. The only problem isnobody in the room is listening to you. Now imagine you are publishing content on Twitter. This is the best content you’ve ever produced. Except this time, no one is clicking on the link you provided or even bothering to look at the graphic you’ve designed for it. This is what the content marketing world likes to call engagement. When it comes to using Twitter, your job is to maximize engagement on every piece of content you send out. But how? By the end of this post, you will become a Twitter engagement mastermind. 15 Tactics To Boost Twitter Engagement Backed By Research1. Use Images To Increase Retweets By 150% In order for your audience to engage with your posts and click on your content, they need to actually see what you’re posting. One of the best ways to make your content stand out is by adding an image. Buffer found that sharing images on Twitter increases retweets by 150%. Including a large image with a short summary of text on Twitter is more visually appealing than a text-only post. In fact, research shows that users engaged at a rate 5X higher  when an image was included. Go forth engage your audience with these tactics (@) August 14, 2016 Include an image in every post for 35% more retweets. Images can be anything from pictures and screenshots to mini infographics and charts. Make sure your visual is directly related to the content it’s tied with. Recommended Reading: How To Make The Best Social Media Images The Easy Way (+84 Free Images) 2. Use Memes and GIFs To Show Personality Aside from adding an image to your tweet, you can use memes and GIFs when publishing your content on Twitter. This adds a fun spin to your plain post and will be too irresistible for your audience to scroll past. â€Å"GIFs are a great way to showcase your brand's personality, stay trendy, and have fun† -HeyOrca. Twitter has made it easy to add GIFs by doing all the work for you within the tweet box. All you have to do is choose an appropriate GIF from the drop-down menu or search for a specific genre in the search box. Memes and GIFs are becoming extremely popular among top companies.  At , we’ve recently started using memes and GIFs on Twitter and have found that they receive far more likes and retweets than regular images. You had a hard week! Relax can wait till Monday! - (@) August 12, 2016 Use real-life pictures of employees to show a true look inside the company, versus internet memes, gives a personal feel and helps build the  story behind your brand. GIFs are a great way to promote special offers and events. Memes and GIFs help you connect with your fans and followers in a new way because they sometimes convey emotions much better than text or photos or even videos. Use the correct  sizing  for GIFs and memes and don't forget to add a witty caption. 3. Create Twitter Polls To Engage With Followers People are often willing to provide you their opinion- and this is especially true on social media networks. Twitter polls are  a great way to engage  your followers and obtain valuable information about your customer base.  It also shows your followers that you care about their opinions, which in turn helps to build trust and loyalty, further strengthening your brand identity and reputation. To create a Twitter Poll: Open your Twitter page on a web or mobile device, click the Tweet button in the top navigation bar. Click the Add poll icon located in the bottom left corner. Type your poll question into the main compose box. Insert your first poll option into the Choice 1 box, followed by your second poll option into the Choice 2 box. Click  + Add a choice  to add additional options to your poll. You can  have up to four options per poll. A poll automatically defaults to run for 1 day. You can change the duration of your poll by clicking 1 day and adjusting the days, hours, and minutes.  The minimum amount of time for a poll is 5 minutes, and the maximum is 7 days. Click Tweet to post the poll. We recently ran a poll  asking our followers the burning question of how to pronounce the word "GIF." To our surprise, we received an overwhelming amount of responses. We have to ask! How is the word "Gif" pronounced? - (@) June 16, 2016 Keep your poll questions short and sweet. Your audience is more likely to respond when you keep your poll simple. Ask questions about your services, products, and brand in general. Be sure to mix in a fun Twitter poll every now and then about an office debate or what color to use for you next blog post. Store a list of potential Twitter poll questions and post a new poll every week for consistency. 4. Participate In Twitter Chats To Promote Your Brand A great way to build engagement for your brand is to communicate with people who are interested in similar products or topics. Instead of posting Tweets or sending direct messages, you can have conversations using Twitter chats. What is a Twitter chat?  It's a conversation around one unique hashtag. This hashtag allows you to follow the discussion and participate in it. Twitter chats are usually recurring and on specific topics to regularly connect people with these interests. Participating in Twitter chats allows you to have real-time conversations with hundreds of different users while promoting your expertise and building your authority  on a topic. Be on the lookout for different hashtags to find Twitter chats relevant to your brand. From there, all you need to do is join in on the conversation happening and include the hashtag. A6 Being present! Make sure you're involved with your twitter account everyday sharing content that's worth looking at #ContentWritingChat - (@) August 2, 2016 The goal of joining Twitter chats is to gain  interest in your brand from Twitter users who aren’t part of your follower base yet. 67% of Twitter users are far more likely to buy from the brands they follow  on Twitter. Choose a Twitter chat that is relevant and beneficial to participate in. Look to leading brands  in your industry and reach out to them to co-host with you to expand your network. 5. Host Twitter Chats To Reach A Larger Audience Once you get the hang of participating in Twitter chats, you can choose to host your own. Here are a few key points from Buffer  to keep in mind before jumping into your own Twitter chat: Decide on a clear and brief hashtag that represents your brand. Choose a day and time that you can consistently hold Twitter chats. Come up with an appropriate topic and questions. Plan and promote your chat via Twitter. Make sure you choose a topic that is relevant to your audience. If you are a content marketer, choose a topic relating to social media, SEO, marketing, or something similar. Before beginning your chat, asks everyone to introduce themselves and where they are tweeting from. Engaging with your participants is the most important part of hosting a Twitter chat. After asking each question, reply to a few responses to remain in the loop. Recommended Reading: How To Use A Twitter Chat To Grow Your Audience And Gain Trust 6. Pin Tweets To Boost Your Best Content Do you have an awesome Tweet you want all of your followers to see? You can pin tweets to your profile that will remain on the top of your page until you removed the pin. It’s a simple tactic with big results to boost engagement. Just select the tweet you want pinned, click the â€Å"...† icon, and then click Pin to your profile page. Pin a Tweet that has an eye catching image to boost retweets by 35%. A pinned tweet is similar to an ad, except you don’t have to pay for it. Take advantage of this free advertisement by having a strong call to action. Include a URL in your pinned tweet to receive 86% more engagement. Pin tweets to boost your best content.7. Use Standalone Graphics To Share Information By now, we all know that using images in tweets will increase engagement, but what about adding an image without any links? We tested this theory out on our Twitter page and found that in fact, it does have a positive affect! Not just any random image, but a standalone graphic. Don't forget to take care of the little guy - (@) August 22, 2016 A standalone graphic is an image that gives useful information on its own without needing a link back to something. For our standalone graphics, we give tidbits of information and quotes from well-known marketers. Research shows that posting a standalone graphic with a quote increases retweets by 19%.   Use a graphic with text that gives quick information to your followers. Grab small pieces of information from your blog posts to put in your standalone graphic. Use tools like Canva to create a standalone graphic. Recommended Reading: How To Design The Best Blog Graphics With Free Tools And Design Theory 8. Social Listening Helps Build Loyalty â€Å"Research shows that customer emotions become permanent with time. It’s best for an effective intervention to take place as close to the experience as possible,† says Baba Shiv, Stanford Professor of Marketing at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business. When users respond to your posts on Twitter or mention your business name, respond quickly. If you don’t, then it’s going to seem like you’re not very active on your own Twitter page- or you simply don’t care. It’s been found that 72% of people who complain on Twitter expect a response within an hour  so it’s your priority to respond as fast as possible. Our team uses the Mention app to respond to our followers quickly and efficiently.  Mention is monitored several times throughout the day by our team to ensure each and every person is responded to promptly. Many of our followers have questions that need urgent answers, so it’s important to reach out to them to resolve the issue. Or to simply thank your followers for sharing your content. Your followers will be much more likely to post comments if they know that you are reading them and that you will respond to them in a helpful manner. Use first names when you are responding. Addressing your followers in this way makes them feel more appreciated- not to mention that people love to be acknowledged. Small gestures like these help to build loyalty. If you respond right away, there’s a chance that the conversation will continue since they may still be on your page. 9. Curate Content To Increase Traffic Are you only tweeting your own content? Sharing the content of others is one of the best ways to show that you’re not all about you, and that you value the work of others enough to share it on your own Twitter feed. One report found that 82% of marketers curate content. At , we curate our content with our Chrome extension tool  for fast curation that can be schedule ahead of time. Curating content is a widely known tactic for a reason because it works. Over 50% of marketers that curate content indicate that it has increased their brand visibility, thought leadership, SEO, web traffic and buyer engagement.  Next time you post on Twitter, mix in a few curated pieces along with your usual content to increase engagement among your followers to expand their experience. Find the best content, the content you enjoyed, the content your audience members are sharing and talking about, the content that is actually helpful. Connect with influencers. You’re going to be sharing content by the leaders in your industry, opening the doors to communicating with them. Plan your curated content ahead of time for consistency. 10. Use Hashtags To Double Engagement Twitter didn’t invent the hashtag (#), but it certainly popularized it with the masses. Hashtags are proven to double your engagement rate and help users to easily search for a topic or trend on Twitter. They are a great way to join in a conversation already happening or organize a conversation, like a Twitter chat. Hashtags identify the subject of your content, making it easier for Twitter users to stumble across your page when searching for similar subjects. Because of this, using hashtags is an incredible way to boost social media engagement among both followers and non-followers since you’re making your content more visible. A good hashtag is memorable, unique, and relevant to your content. Try not to use more than two hashtags per post to avoid being annoying. Always use a hashtag when participating in or hosting a Twitter chat. Recommended Reading: How To Use Hashtags Effectively Without Being Annoying 11. Use Video in Tweets For A 28% Boost While images perform better than text, Twitter users love videos. 82% of users watch video content on Twitterthat’s a big number!  Simon Rodgers found that adding a video to your tweet will give you a 28% boost in engagement. You have 10 seconds to win over your followers. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer. Promote and educate your followers about your brand using video. Adding in a weekly tip to your page is a sure way to engage with new followers. Include people around your office in Twitter videos to give a personal touch to your followers. Use video in tweets for a 28% engagement boost.12. Use Twitter Ads For Higher Click-Through Rates If you’re looking for a fast and guaranteed way to boost Twitter engagement, than Twitter Ads are something to look into, especially if you don’t have a lot of followers to engage with. To set up Twitter Ads: Choose between promoted tweets and promoted accounts. According to Hubspot, promoting tweets will allow your tweets to appear in users’ Twitter streams or in Twitter search results, whereas promoting your account will display your username under the â€Å"Who to Follow† section in users’ homepages. Choose your target audience.  You can target a specific audience based on demographics and psychographics. Targeting the right audience will ensure that your ads are seen by the right people who would benefit from your brand. Create your tweets.  Now that you've chosen what type of ads you want and the type of audience to target, you can begin creating your tweets.  You can either select from existing tweets in your account, or create new ones from scratch. Be sure to assign your Twitter ad campaign a daily budget and maximum spend limit before setting it live. Low Twitter follower count? Try running Twitter ads.Recent studies have found that Twitter ads consistently deliver higher click-through rates  (even higher than Facebook ads). Plan ahead by choosing a Twitter ad campaign that fits your brand's goals. Use interest targeting and keywords to target the right audience for the best results. Create visually appealing images for your Twitter ads to reach more people and boost engagement. 13. Tweet At The Best Times The number of people you engage with is directly related to followers viewing your tweets. In order to maximize engagement, you must post at the best possible times. After doing some research on 10 different studies about the best times to post on social media, studies show a few ways to make every tweet get a little more engagement: Wednesdays at 12 p.m. and 5-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays at 12-3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Any day of the week from 2-3 a.m., 6-7 a.m., and 9-10 p.m. Use these times as a guideline. Test out different times and find out when your audience is the most active on Twitter. You can also check out Twitter Analytics to see when your specific audience is most active. 14. Use Twitter Cards To Drive Traffic To Your Website You may be asking, "What are Twitter Cards?" Twitter Cards allow you to go beyond the  140-character limit and attach different forms of media. According to Forbes, they add visual interest through images, product info, videos, and other expanded content. All you have to do to get started with using the feature is add a couple lines of code to your site. Refer to our post on Social Media Optimization to get set up. There are seven distinct Twitter Cards to choose from: Gallery cards featuring a number of images Single photo cards Summary cards which let you post a link with further information Summary cards with images App cards Player cards which showcase videos Product cards Below is an example of a Summary Card which includes a title, description, thumbnail image, Twitter account attribution and a direct link to the content. Test different types of cards.  Every site is different, and Twitter Card analytics will help you measure which cards yield the most engagement with your content. Engage with Influencers.  Twitter Card analytics make it possible determine who is sharing your content with the most velocity - make sure to engage with these accounts to promote further interaction! Add a few lines of HTML to your webpage. Users who Tweet links to your content will have a â€Å"Card† added to the Tweet that’s visible to all of their followers. How can Twitter Cards improve your engagement?15. Use Emoticons To Increase Favorites By 57% Instead of having a plain block of text, consider breaking up the text with an emoticon. Emoticons show a certain element of playfulness that provides your brand with a bit of personality. In fact, statistics show that the using emoticons  will boost the share and comment rate of your posts, and can help increase favorites by as much as 57%.   Choose one or two emoticons per tweet. â€Å"Think of emojis as the ultimate elevator pitch for your business: you have one or two symbols to let people know exactly what value you’re bringing them with every Tweet.† Use emoticons when responding to your followers to add a personal touch and show appreciation. Emphasize specific parts of your tweet with a correlating emoticon to intensify engagement. What Twitter Engagement Tactics Work For You? Analyzing engagement rates allows you to see how much of an impression your brand is leaving on your audience. Look at engagement as a stepping stone that leads followers to view your website, subscribe to your newsletters, and purchase your product. Without engagement you will be tweeting to a black abyss. Building a strong relationship with your Twitter followers will bring forth high engagement. Implement these tactics the next time you post on Twitter and watch your engagement rate skyrocket.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biology - Research Paper Example The uses of gene therapy are to replace absent or defective genes, deliver genetic material into cells that speed the destruction of cancer cells, deliver genetic material into cells that cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells, deliver genes of bacteria or virus as a form of vaccination, deliver genetic material that either impedes or promotes growth of a new tissue and deliver genetic material that stimulates healing of a damaged tissue (Hecht, 2004). 1. Ex vivo gene therapy: Here, gene delivery is done in cells after being removed from the body (Hecht, 2004). These cells are grown in the laboratory. The cells are than modified outside the body and then transplanted back into the body. In some research trials, cells from blood or born marrow are taken out and cultured in a laboratory. Thereafter, the cells are exposed to the virus with the desired gene. The virus infects the cells and transfers the therapeutic genetic material into the nucleus of the cells. After this, the cells are injected into the patient’s body by vein. Gene therapy has been used to restore vision in dogs. It has also been attempted to treat Lebers congenital amaurosis, a type of inherited childhood blindness caused by a single abnormal gene. Studies have shown that tumor suppressing genes delivered in lipid-based nanoparticles reduces the number and size of human lung cancer tumors in mice. Reengineered lymphocytes have been used to attack cancer cells in metastatic melanoma and myeloid disorders. Other studies have suggested a possible cure for diseases like Hingtinton’s chorea, severe combined immunodeficiency and sickle cell diseas, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis and some cancers in the future ( Researchers are also experimenting with introducing a 47th (artificial human) chromosome into target cells. It is expected that this chromosome would

Friday, November 1, 2019

Nursing informatics Applying standardized Terminologies in Practice Essay

Nursing informatics Applying standardized Terminologies in Practice - Essay Example First, standardized terminologies allow for improved communication amongst nurses and other healthcare professionals (McGonigle and Mastroianni, 2014). Second, there is more transparency of nursing intercessions when using standardized terminologies. Third, patient care gets better with standardized terminologies, and data gathering methods improve to assess nursing care results. Fifth, nurses stick more to caregiving standards while fostering the evaluation of nursing proficiency. Lastly, standardized terminologies promote the nursing study itinerary by producing information concerning patient care on a regular basis (Cashin, 2010). Applying standardized terminologies in psychiatric nursing helps in distinguishing nurse’s inputs in patient care from those made by medicine practitioners. As the advancement of EHR systems and the NHIN (Nationwide Health Information Network) grow increasingly fast, the challenge of distinguishing Geriatric, Correctional and Psychiatric nursing from pediatrics and psychology become even more crucial (Cashin, 2010). A second challenge that standardized terminologies can help overcome is integrating definitions of nursing practice into the health archive in a way that is proportionate to its significance to patients’ wellbeing. I am currently partaking in a Family Nurse Practitioner program, which makes it my role to know nurses’ contributions to patient treatment and recovery. This knowledge is as pivotal as finding a method to integrate aspects of nursing practice to EHR systems (McGonigle and Mastroianni, 2014). The acknowledged standardized terminologies applied in Geriatric and Psychiatric nursing entail seven interface and three multidisciplinary terms. First, CCC (Clinical Care Classification) is a study-oriented, experientially built term that entails nursing analyses, intercessions, and findings (Cashin, 2010). Second, Omaha System is a framework that offers a compute-attuned