Sunday, November 3, 2019

Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biology - Research Paper Example The uses of gene therapy are to replace absent or defective genes, deliver genetic material into cells that speed the destruction of cancer cells, deliver genetic material into cells that cause cancer cells to revert back to normal cells, deliver genes of bacteria or virus as a form of vaccination, deliver genetic material that either impedes or promotes growth of a new tissue and deliver genetic material that stimulates healing of a damaged tissue (Hecht, 2004). 1. Ex vivo gene therapy: Here, gene delivery is done in cells after being removed from the body (Hecht, 2004). These cells are grown in the laboratory. The cells are than modified outside the body and then transplanted back into the body. In some research trials, cells from blood or born marrow are taken out and cultured in a laboratory. Thereafter, the cells are exposed to the virus with the desired gene. The virus infects the cells and transfers the therapeutic genetic material into the nucleus of the cells. After this, the cells are injected into the patient’s body by vein. Gene therapy has been used to restore vision in dogs. It has also been attempted to treat Lebers congenital amaurosis, a type of inherited childhood blindness caused by a single abnormal gene. Studies have shown that tumor suppressing genes delivered in lipid-based nanoparticles reduces the number and size of human lung cancer tumors in mice. Reengineered lymphocytes have been used to attack cancer cells in metastatic melanoma and myeloid disorders. Other studies have suggested a possible cure for diseases like Hingtinton’s chorea, severe combined immunodeficiency and sickle cell diseas, thalassemia, cystic fibrosis and some cancers in the future ( Researchers are also experimenting with introducing a 47th (artificial human) chromosome into target cells. It is expected that this chromosome would

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